All of us at DISC have started a 30 Day challenge where we have to do something once a day for 30 days, mine was to sketch at least one page in my digital sketch book to help build on my speed (time management), style and skill. So far I’ve been doing well, it takes me a while to fill a page because I’ve not been very creative lately but it’s helped in the last few days already!

Over the next few weeks I’ll be working a brand book and some colour palettes plus visuals for two projects. I’ve honestly been struggling in the beginning knowing how to balance everything but I’m proud to say I’m learning how to get faster. I’m also relearning softwares I haven’t used in a few years like Illustrator and Photoshop.
I learnt it’s really important to ask for help if you need it, or even if you don’t realise you need it, I spent all day Wednesday tracing every small branch of a photo of a tree in Illustrator because it was the only way I knew how to, in the back of my head I knew there was probably and easier way but I didn’t even think about it until I updated Ezra on my progress and said I was falling a bit behind due to my style I was doing things in, he taught me I quicker way to go around it by editing the image in Photoshop to make it almost black and white, then taking it into Illustrator and using Image Trace which I knew about and even, Ezra taught me more about it before the Christmas break, I just in the moment forgot and thought my way was going to get me the best results. Long story short, went from doing something that would have took me all week to finish to only 20 minutes, thanks Ezra, you’re an Illustrator wizard.